====== Weapons ======
If weapon is neither Magic nor non-enchantable - list contains stats
of MAXENCHANTED weapon (+10 OB, +2 damage on aggressive, +6OB, +4PB, +2 damage
on wimpy). Enchanted arrows are also non-breakable.
Goes for weapons only: Silver and Wood basically means same as "eff vs spirit".
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
(%) - delay
Rel. - relative damage (damage per time = damage/delay*100%)
Fieldy: For 1-handed it should be weight/15 and for 2-handed weight/22,5 - calculation show how much STR weapon needs. Bows do not have STR requirements.
Benedictus: p Elestir said that ornate hit on metal is 15.8(Dmg) and Mithvegil hit on orc is 10.3(Dmg)
===== Two-Handed Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
The Great Black Scimitar 180 10000 20 0 14.7 110 13.4 Artifact, Magic, Anti-good, Eff vs elf/spell (Elfhewer)
The Axe of Durin 270 40000 20 0 19.4 150 12.9 Artifact, Magic, Nosell, Eff vs spell, Ineff vs dwarf
The Huge, Flaming Sword 530 18000 25 -10 18.4 150 12.3 Artifact, Evil magic, Anti-good, Anti-neutral, Nosell, Eff vs cold/spell
Great warsword 395 10000 20 0 18.4 150 12.2 Magic, Eff vs spell
Steel Claymore 270 25000 20 0 13.3 110 12.1 Magic, Eff vs spell 10th, Nov 2004
Black runed sceptre 200 20000 10 25 12.5 110 11.4 Artifact, Magic, Nosell, Focus, Eff vs metal/spell, Saving Spell -20, Mana_regen +5
War mattock 400 16000 20 -10 17 150 11.3 Magic, Eff vs metal/spell
Burnished hewing-spear 395 20 0 15 135 11.1 Magic, Silver, Eff vs riding
Heavy warhammer 390 5500 15 -10 15 135 11.1 Eff vs metal
Halberd 350 2500 15 5 14.5 130 11.2 Eff vs riding
Two-handed sword 350 5000 20 -5 14.5 130 11.2
Steel-shafted mattock 270 5000 20 -10 13 120 10.8 Magic, Eff vs metal/spell
Two-handed axe 395 6000 15 -10 16.3 150 10.8 Eff vs wood
Poleaxe 405 1750 15 0 15.3 150 10.2 Eff vs wood
Very large wooden club 495 600 15 -15 15 150 10.0 Wood
Bastard sword 265 3000 20 0 12.2 125 9.8
Very large knotted branch540 2400 10 -10 14 150 9.3 Eff vs metal, non-enchantable
Flail 360 2500 15 5 13 150 8.7
Charred staff 96 5 10 7 100 7.0 Magic, Evil, Eff vs spell/spirit, Anti-good, Anti-neutral, Nosell, Darkness. "use staff" does this: Large aoe darkness for like 20+ ticks. Recharges when Charred Staff is in Sauron's darkness. Doesn't recharge when in player casted darkness. Decays after some time
Quarterstaff 270 750 10 10 6 100 6.0 Wood
Shovel 225 600 15 -10 8 150 5.3
Black metal staff 220 4750 10 25 5 100 5.0 Magic, Eff vs spell
===== Slashing Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
The Black Sword 135 10000 40 0 20.4 100 20.4 Artifact, Hum, Magic, Eff vs magic/spirit/light/spell, Mudlled
The Great Black Scimitar 175 10000 20 0 14.7 120 12.3 Artifact, Magic, Anti-good, Eff vs spell/elf (Elfhewer)
The Broad Elven Blade 135 30000 15 10 11.2 100 11.2 Artifact, Glow, Magic, Bless, Anti-evil, Nosell, (Beater Glamdring),Eff vs orc/troll/spell
Dark curved sword 135 10 15 9.2 85 10.8 Magic, Anti-good, Eff vs spell (Angmacil)
Fell blade 130 2060 15 0 11.2 105 10.6 Magic, Anti-good, Eff vs spell
The Slender Elven Sword 120 30000 20 10 10.2 100 10.2 Artifact, Glow, Magic, Bless, Anti-evil, Nosell, (Biter Orcrist), Eff vs orc/troll/spell
The Gleaming Broadsword 130 8500 15 15 9.2 90 10.2 Artifact, Magic, Bless, Anti-evil, Nosell, Eff vs spell, Saving Spell -10
Steel claymore 270 20 0 13.3 130 10.2 Magic, Eff vs spell
Broad scimitar 270 3000 20 -5 11.2 110 10.2
Falchion 240 2500 15 0 11.2 110 10.2
Jagged-edged scimitar 220 2500 15 0 10.2 100 10.2 non-enchantable
Engraved broadsword 195 5000 10 10 9.2 90 10.2 Magic, Eff vs spell, Silver
Broadsword 175 2500 10 5 9.1 90 10.1
Serrated scimitar 220 2500 15 0 11.7 116 10.1
Dunadan blade 220 6000 15 10 9.7 100 9.7 Magic, Anti-evil, Anti-neutral, Eff vs spell
Wightblade 220 5000 15 10 9.7 100 9.7 Magic, Anti-good, Anti-neutral, Eff vs spell
Longsword 210 2000 20 0 10.2 110 9.3
Beorning sword 130 1700 20 0 9.2 100 9.2
The Silvery Broadsword 130 50000 15 10 8.3 90 9.2 Artifact, Glow, Magic, Bless, Anti-evil, Nosell, Eff vs orc/spell, Silver
Scimitar 175 2000 20 0 9.1 100 9.1
Backsword 135 1500 15 0 9.1 100 9.0
Bastard sword 270 3000 15 0 12.2 135 9.0
Sabre 90 1500 20 0 8.1 90 9.0
Ashen blade ??? ???? 10 5 8.7 100 8.7 Anti-good, Attack Spell +5, Saving Spell -10, 4lb 15o 40g
Dark broadsword 130 7000 10 10 7.1 85 8.3 Magic, Anti-good, Eff vs spell
Sharp talon (claw) 90 3000 10 0 8.1 100 8.1
Cutlass 165 1200 15 0 7.1 90 7.9
Broad-bladed knife 15 280 15 -5 5.1 70 7.3
Sickle 90 15 -5 6.1 100 6.1
Black many-tailed whip 240 10000 30 -15 5 75 6.6 Artifact, Evil magic, Nosell, Anti-good, Anti-neutral,
Eff vs spell, Nosell, can be used to 'entangle' players
Scourge 90 25 -10 5 80 6.3
Whip 90 500 25 -10 4 75 6.0
Broken sword (Narsil) 300 7500 20 0 1 - - Magic, Bless
===== Cleaving Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
The Axe of Durin 270 40000 20 0 17.7 140 12.6 Artifact, Magic, Nosell, Eff vs spell,
Mighty dwarven axe 270 4500 15 -5 13.7 110 12.5 Magic, Eff vs spell/wood
Wicked Durbuk-hai axe 220 2500 15 -5 10.8 90 12.0 Eff vs wood
Darkened Orkish Axe 270 ? 15 -5 14.1 120 11.8 Magic, Anti-good, Anti-neutral, Eff vs wood
Blackened dwarven axe 270 5000 15 -5 12.6 110 11.0 Magic, Anti-evil, Anti-neutral, Eff vs wood/spell, Eff vs spirit
Brutal cleaver 220 2000 10 0 12.5 120 10.4 non-enchantable
&Double-headed axe 270 2000 20 -5 11.4 110 10.4 Eff vs wood
Battle axe 220 3500 15 0 11.4 110 10.4 Eff vs wood
Black waraxe 130 2000 15 0 10.3 100 10.3 Eff vs wood
Woodsman axe 175 750 10 -5 10.3 100 10.3 Eff vs wood
Handaxe 130 1000 15 0 8.2 90 9.1 Eff vs wood
Hatchet 130 400 15 -5 7.2 90 8.0 Eff vs wood
Butcher's cleaver 45 500 -5 -5 5.2 80 6.5 non-enchantable
&You identify a double-headed axe.
It is a magical and anti-evil cleaving weapon of metallic nature.
It is wielded one-handed.
Offensive bonus 10, parry bonus -5, damage 9.4, and delay 110%.
It increases offensive bonus by 10 and damage by 2.
It weighs six pounds and it is worth about one lauren.
Its keywords are axe, double, and blade.
Its magical key is ittacwhooe.
===== Crushing Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
The Hammer of Belegost 270 9000 20 0 13.8 120 11.5 Artifact, Magic, Eff vs metal/spell
The Huge, Black Mace 270 1350 20 -5 13.7 120 11.4 Artifact, Magic, Anti-good, Anti-neutral,
Eff vs metal/spell/dwarf,
The Silvery Morningstar 270 50000 20 0 12.5 110 11.4 Artifact, Magic, Anti-evil, Anti-neutral,
Eff vs troll/metal/spell, Silver
Black runed sceptre 175 20000 20 0 11.9 110 10.8 Artifact, Magic, Nosell, Focus, Eff vs metal/spell, Saving Spell -20, Mana_regen +5
Ornate warhammer 270 1100 20 -5 12.7 120 10.6 Magic, Eff vs metal/spell
Heavy morningstar 270 3500 20 -10 11.5 110 10.5 Eff vs metal
Morningstar 220 2000 15 -5 10 100 10.0 Eff vs metal
Engraved warhammer 270 7050 20 -5 11.7 120 9.8 Magic, Eff vs metal/spell, (Bonecrusher)
Large warhammer 220 3000 15 -5 10.7 110 9.7 Eff vs metal
Warhammer 135 1500 15 -5 9.6 100 9.6 Eff vs metal
Spiked war club 175 500 15 -5 9.6 100 9.6 Eff vs metal
Gnarled wooden club 310 350 15 -5 9.6 100 9.6 Eff vs metal, Wood
Huge spiked club 351 1000 15 -5 10.4 110 9.5 Eff vs metal, non-enchantable
Stone club 350 0 10 -5 10.4 110 9.5 Eff vs metal, non-enchantable
Steel-shafted mattock 270 5000 20 -5 12.3 135 9.1 Magic, Eff vs spell/metal
Iron-shod mace 220 3000 20 -5 9.6 105 9.1 Eff vs metal
Cruelly-spiked mace 175 2400 15 -5 9 100 9.0 Eff vs metal, non-enchantable
Mace 175 1500 15 0 8.7 100 8.7 Eff vs metal
Very heavy branch 345 0 20 0 9.5 120 7.9 Eff vs metal, Wood, Non-enchantable
Maul 105 1000 15 0 7.7 100 7.7 Eff vs metal, Wood
Wooden club 135 300 10 0 7.7 100 7.7 Eff vs metal, Wood
Antlers 3000 0 5 0 7.7 100 7.7
Cudgel 90 200 5 0 5.8 100 5.8 Eff vs metal, Wood
Hammer 27 80 5 -15 5.8 100 5.8 Eff vs metal
Pick 90 800 0 -5 4.8 100 5.8 Eff vs metal, Non-enchantable
===== Piercing Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
The Elven shortsword 90 20000 15 10 8 100 8.0 Artifact, Glow, Magic, Bless, Anti-evil,
with a runic inscription (Sting) Nosell, Eff vs orc/troll/spell
The Morgul Blade 2lb 20 5 8 100 8.0 Artifact, Evil, +5mana +5hp +5moves, 5 charges, Sun destroys, Anti-good, Anti-neutral, Nosell
Nimble blade 25 15 -5 7 70 10.0 Magic
Engraved silvery knife 35 10 10 8 100 8.0 Magic, Saving Spell -10, Eff vs spell
Black runed dagger 45 8500 15 5 8 100 8.0 Magic, Saving Spell -20, Eff vs spell
Dirk 90 15 0 6 70 8.6
Elven dagger 45 10 0 8 100 8.0 Magic, Anti-evil, Anti-neutral, Eff vs spell
Nasty orcish fang 75 2000 10 0 8 100 8.0
Spider's fang 90 10 0 8 100 8.0 Magic, Anti-good
Severed spider's fang 90 1200 10 0 7 100 7.0 Magic
Slender dagger 45 7000 20 0 7 100 7.0 Magic, Eff vs spell
Barbed fang 210 2500 17 0 7 100 7.0 Evil magic, Eff vs spell
Double edged eket 100 2500 15 5 7 100 7.0
Sharp thorn 60 1500 15 5 7 100 7.0 Wood, Ineff vs metal
Shiny dagger 30 3000 15 0 7 100 7.0 Pre-enchanted (10 OB, 1 damage)
Sacrificial knife 30 3000 15 0 7 100 7.0 Pre-evil-enchanted (10 OB, 1 damage)
Shortsword 90 1000 15 0 7 100 7.0
Brown thorn 45 900 15 0 7 100 7.0 Wood, Ineff vs metal
Ceremonial dagger 60 6 10 10 6 100 6.0 Magic, Anti-evil, Eff vs spirit/spell,
Ineff vs metal
Rapier 75 1500 15 5 6 100 6.0
Long, wicked knife 45 1500 20 0 6 100 6.0 Eff vs human
Horn 120 650 10 -5 6 100 6.0 Ineff vs metal
Gem-inlaid knife 30 18000 15 0 5 100 5.0
Stiletto 37 500 10 0 5 100 5.0 Eff vs metal
Dagger 45 600 15 0 5 100 5.0 Ineff vs metal
Small spade 90 10 0 5 100 5.0
Dagger (rusted) 45 100000 5 0 4 100 4.0 Ineff vs metal, Nosell, Quest item
Butcher knife 6 500 5 0 3 100 3.0 non-enchantable
Hunting knife 22 300 0 -5 3 100 3.0 non-enchantable
===== Stabbing Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
Narrow runed awlpike 250 20 0 12.5 105 11.9 Eff vs riding
Blackened spear 270 24000 20 -5 12.8 120 10.7 Magic, Eff vs riding/spell, Silver
Steel-shafted spear 180 2000 10 0 11.7 115 10.2 Eff vs riding
Giant spear 270 1000 15 -5 12.3 125 9.8 Eff vs riding, non-enchantable
Steel-tipped spear 120 5500 20 -5 11.3 115 9.8 Eff vs riding
Elven hunting spear 150 2500 15 0 10.6 110 9.7 Eff vs riding, Anti-evil
Pike 195 1500 20 -5 10.6 115 9.2 Eff vs riding
Broad spear 187 800 15 -5 10.6 115 9.2 Eff vs riding
Twisted spear 105 750 10 0 9.3 103 9.0 Eff vs riding
Short spear 105 400 10 0 9.3 103 9.0 Eff vs riding
Longspear 127 600 20 -5 9.3 115 8.1 Eff vs riding
Pitchfork 120 450 10 -10 8.1 110 7.3 Eff vs riding
Orkish Battle-standard 123 20000 15 5 7.1 100 7.1 Wood, Evil, Anti-good, Nosell, Eff vs riding
===== Charging Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
Steel-tipped lance 150 1200 17 -3 7 100 7.0 Eff vs riding
Lance 225 500 10 -5 6 100 6.0 Eff vs riding
===== Other Melee Weapons =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
Pick 90 800 10 -5 7 100 7.0
Pry-bar 180 950 5 -10 5 100 5.0 Nosell, key for tombstone
===== Missiles =====
Weapon Weight Value OB PB Dmg (%) Rel. Other
Embellished longbow 170 5000 30 75 dmg*2.0 Magic, Eff vs spell (Alrehir)
Crossbow 450 3000 30 120 dmg*2.0 +2, Eff vs metal
Elven longbow 135 30 70 dmg*1.9 Magic, Eff vs spell
Yew longbow 150 3300 30 75 dmg*1.7 +2
Black horn shortbow 150 3200 10 60 dmg*1.6 +2
Longbow 170 1500 25 80 dmg*1.5 +2
Light crossbow 275 1500 20 90 dmg*1.5 +2
Elven shortbow 150 1100 10 62 dmg*1.4 +2
Orcish shortbow 150 900 10 65 dmg*1.4 +2
Shortbow 150 1000 10 60 dmg*1.1 +2
Sling 20 50 5 40 dmg*1.0 +2
Metal-cased bolt 10 100 15 10 Eff vs metal
Quarrel bolt 8 50 15 9 Eff vs metal
Grey arrow 4 120 15 9 Wood
Fletched Arrow 10 400 12 9 Wood 08th, Nov 2004
War arrow 10 60 10 9 Wood
Slender, barbed arrow 2 50 10 8 Magic, Wood (after Gergargg's ritual: enchanted, anti-good/neutral)
Ash arrow 5 90 15 8 Wood
Silver-tipped arrow 2 500 10 8 Magic, Silver
An arrow 6 35 10 8 Wood
Blackened bolt 3 50 15 7 Eff vs Elf/Dwarf,
Ineff vs Troll/Orc
Slingstone 5 15 10 5
Round stone 3 2 5 4