Mume Misc Info

Gray's old information, extremly outdated ..

                               MISCELLANEOUS INFO

### WARNING: any numbers in this file are not necessarily exact! Remember,  ###
### I'm not a Vala, and can't see exact numbers/formulae. These numbers     ###
### more or less describe the state of affairs, but anyway it is nothing    ###
### but approximation...                                                    ###

    I. Numeric part.

    Some about spells

  Max damage through sanctuary = const - (caster's_wis + target's_wil),
where const was 49 in M6, and is some higher now (like 52-55).
  Armour % = (spell_level + int - 20) * 2
  Spell_level = spell_efficiency_(visible_in_guild) * your_level. Right if
neither you nor your opponent have +attack/spellsave eq. Otherwise replace
your_level to (your_level + your_attackspell/10 + opponent's_spellsave/10). Of
course, if his spellsave is negative (brd, star sapphire, enruned, copper, etc),
damage of your attack spells will be less, as if you were lower level. Note
also that levels after 25 give you 1/10 of actual your_level (i.e. your_level
will be 20 on l20, 25 on l25, and 26 on l35).
  Amount of spells that you can store depends on your level, spell level (not
spell_level mentioned above!), and amount of items that increase your attack
spell. Usually each legend mage can store 3 colour sprays (lev 13 * 3 = 33 store
units), each correctly stated - 2 silence (level 17 * 2 = 34 store units), but
if he also have staff with opal in it - even 5 earthquakes (level 7 * 5 = 35
store units). Feel free to find it out yourself for each stat set and each spell!
  Enchant spell makes weapons much better, but it also forces weapon to have
same alignment as caster has. I.e. darkie can't wield whitie-enchanted weapon,
and vice versa. But if mage have dispel magic spell - he can dispel enchant of
opposite side and reenchant weapon. It is truth for any weapon but staff. Foci
staff can't be dispelled at all. Rough staff (metal-shod/inlaid with gems)
used to be non-dispellable too, but this feature is bugged! I.e. if whitie
dispels darkie staff - staff will lose it's evilness (but not forever), but
will not lose extra pb/damage. If any whitie holds this staff right after
dispelling, staff will not zap him... until he rents/relogins, or just removes
it and wears again! So, if you want to dispel evil enchant from staff forever,
you need dispel it, and instantly - without wearing it - reenchant. But after
that no one except caster himself will be able to use this staff...
  Block door can protect door from being open for 9 ticks. Though, it is still
possible to bash blocked door or break it with 'break door' spell. Not each
door can be blocked (usually all wilderness door like "bushes", "thorns" are
non-blockable). It is also impossible to block bashed/broken door, but! still
possible to re-block (block door that was blocked before and bashed). It is
MUCH harder to break/bash blocked door if blocker stands near door/behind it.

    Battle messages

  In MUME you do not see exact damage which you inflict to your enemy in hand-
to-hand battle, but battle messages will give important information about
damage to anyone who can decrypt them. Example:
    A robber(1) strongly(2) pierces(3) your right arm(4) and tickles(5) it.
  (1) Mob name, appears as "someone" if opponent was sneaking/invisible, or if
you has been blinded.
  (2) Literal indication of damage, can be "barely" (1-2hp)/"lightly" (3-5hp)/
/"" (6-8hp)/"strongly" (9-11hp)/"hard" (12-14hp)/"very hard" (15-17hp)/
/"extremely hard" (over 18hp).
  (3) Opponent's weapon type, can be "slashes"/"pounds"/"cleaves"/"pierces"/
/"stabs"/"shoots" (accordant to same weapon skill), "smites" which means "hits
with 2-handed weapon", "whips" - using whip of course (however, it's slashing
skill that needed for whipping - don't ask me why though ;)), "strikes" - goes
for mages with 2h staves, and "hits" - just hits with no weapon.
  (4) Can be "head"/"body"/"arm"/"hand"/"leg"/"foot".
  (5) Shows relative damage: damage/hps left. Can be "tickle"/""/"shatter".
Of course dependant on target's current hps. I.e. 30 hp smite will be "shatter"
if you hit a wolf, but just "tickle" for Old Man Willow; last hit ever on
willow will be "shatter" though.

  How good you know skill - literal indication:
  1 - 16%: Awful
 17 - 29%: Bad
 30 - 39%: Poor
 40 - 62%: Average
 63 - 69%: Fair
 70 - 80%: Good
 81 - 92%: Very good
 93 -100%: Excellent
101%+: Superb

  Your hit points while in battle - literal indication:
 -5 -  0%: Dying
  1 - 10%: Awful
 11 - 25%: Bad
 26 - 45%: Wounded
 46 - 70%: Hurt
 71 - 99%: Fine
100%: Healthy

  If you do limited reroll:
changing stat to 1 increases distance to reference stats to 14.25,
changing stat to 2 increases distance to reference stats to 33.9,
changing stat to 3 increases distance to reference stats to 56.55,
changing stat to 4 increases distance to reference stats to 80.85,
rounding down. Permissible variation - 0.025.

  Without leadership it's is possible to lead 2 (i.e. group of 3) without delay.
The more leadership skill you have - the more ppl you can lead without delay:
   0% leadership - group of 3
  25% leadership - group of 4
  50% leadership - group of 5
etc up to group of 7. However, it's possible to lead group of 8 with no delay -
for clerics with superhigh WIS/WIL: they can prac leadership up to 125%. Note
also that anyone can be head of group (i.e. anyone can "group"), but anyway one
who really leads (i.e. one whom others follow) needs leadership skill - if he
wanna lead group without delay.

  Your lockpicks are nothing more but your 'pick' skill boost. Plain (non-
upgraded) set adds 25% to pick skill, each upgrade (they all same) adds 3% more.
 1) 'Pick' skill is obligatory for all classes. Max (7x) upgraded picks give
you 46% pick - and same does 4 pracs in 'pick' for thief/defwarrior, like 5-6
for caster/attack warrior. Guess what's easier to gain - 7x upgrade or 5 pracs.
 2) Don't care about many upgrades (they add too few anyways), but always have
plain set - 25% pick worth 2-3 gold! You can always buy picks in the Tharbad
thieves shop, or ask any dwarf to buy it inside BM; also picks load on certain
mobs, like assassins or trapper in new zone near Tharbad.

  Each armour absorbs some incoming damage, but not more than certain amount of
hps (exception - magic armour, which absorbs always same part of damage - in
percents - non-dependant on how hard hit is). Each weapon does certain damage
after certain delay. For example, engraved broadsword have damage 9, delay 90% -
i.e. 10 dam/round; max-enchanted bastard sword (while wielded one-handed) -
damage 13, delay 135% - 9.6 dam/round. Also engraved have -5 OB, but +10 PB
compared to bastard. It seems that engraved is the best non-artifact weapon for
slasher-warrior - but it is right for exping on no-absorb mobs only.
  Due to UP_TO (max hps absorbing by the armour) stat bastard sword is
definitely better than all other non-artifact slashers. When you hit your metal-
dressed victim with engraved, you hit him very often, but each hit inflicts
like 1-2 damage, because armour absorbs all the damage. When you hit him with
bastard, no armour except fine/shining can absorb so high damage, and thus your
hits HURT :) Same goes for all other types of weapon: seek high dam/round
weapon for exping, and just high-damage for pk.

### Everything below is age-dependant.

  Your hps=race_const+age_const+(race_const2+0.375*CON)*real_level,
where race_const is base hps for this race (like 8 for elves, 11 for men, 10
for bns, etc), race_const2 is level-dependant hp-modifier (like 3 for elves,
2.6 for men, 2.1 for bns...), age_const can be taken from "help age" (Hit),
real_level is your level if it is 25 or less, and 25+(your level-25)/10 if it
is more that 25.

  Though, this amount of hps have only chars who didn't pracced anything, and
also pure thieves. Mages have 0.75 of this amount, clerics have 0.85, warriors
have 1.2. If you are not pure class, you will have something average (at
example, mage with bob+cure ser+rem pois+bless will have 0.77, if he have also
some parry/pick/etc - around 0.8). I'll name this amount "class_hps".

  If your char (any class) also pracced some endurance, it will have class_hps*
(1+0.24*endu_know), where endu_know is your knowledge in endurance (visible in
guilds)/100%. It will be pretty correct for warriors, but mages will gain extra
hps when praccing endurance due to lowering mage level and increasing warrior
(like 1 extra hp per prac - endu is HARD skill).

  Your mana=race_const+age_const+3.75*INT+3.5*WIS.
  Your moves=race_const+age_const+1.5*(CON+DEX).
  However, pure casters will have some extra 1-2 mana, and 1-2 less hps/moves;
vise versa for pure warriors.

  Never use a weapon if you don't have enough strength to wield it (if you
see message "You are too weak to use this weapon effectively"). If your
strength is less than needed for this weapon, you will have 5 OB penalty on
aggro and 3 OB/2 PB penalty on wimpy for each 1 lacking STR - for slashing
weapons, and also damage penalty - for crushers/two-handers. At example: if you
are warrior, and have STR 17 - use enchanted large warhammer, not heavy
morningstar (min 18 STR). Star have higher damage, but if you are not strong
enough, you will do even less damage wielding it than wielding hammer.

  Each 1 DEX gives you extra 2 natural db (which will exist even if you are
naked). However, the more DEX do you have, the less db shield spell will give
you (with same INT/WIS of course). And also your ob (directly) and db
(indirectly - through carrying weight) depends on your STR.
    II. Textual part.

    Making foci

  To create focus you must be at least 21 level and very good alignment person
(sent to Arda - after last changes). You must collect some foci ingridients
(see STAVES on secured part for info about staff parts), kill Old Man Willow
and get blue crystal from his corpse (this component needed for all foci-type
items). If you wanna make a staff, bring oak branch to the carpenter in Blue
Mountains and let him make from it carved oak staff. Carpenter sees shrouded
btw. Both components must be blessed; staff must be also enchanted (by owner
only!). Then go to the Harlond, find Cirdan Shipwright and say him "sail west".
Follow him to pier and wait until White Ship arrives (i.e. until midnight).
Board it and sail to the Eressea. After you arrive, board ferry to Valinor (in
same room in Eressea). All foci must be created in highest tower (from ferry
some up, 12-15 rooms south-west and then up again).
  To create foci staff you must have in inventory carved staff and blue crystal,
and "cast 'create focus' staff". To make pale blue stone needed topaz (loads on
Mormaeg the Spider) and crystal. For sapphire ring you have to have one of
rings of power (ruby/iron/copper/jewelled/banded) and dip it into one of magic
pools in Valinor before creating focus. Sun pool will add 5 OB, moon - 5 DB,
star - +10 attack spell and -10 spellsave. However, you may dip ring in the one
pool only. You must dip ring in proper time: i.e. in sun pool - during sunrise,
etc. Moon pool located on Eressea (Tower), other two in Valinor (i.e. after
ferry). Also make sure you are trying to dip RIGHT ring, not just some ardaring
;) Use keywords 'ironring', 'rubyring', etc.
  To create crystal phial dip adamant (loads on Mithnaur the Dragon) into one
of pools too. The moon pool and sun pool no one is 100% sure about but I have a
pretty good idea what they do. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who has ever
tried to make all 3 phials so my info is about as acurate as you can get. The
phial made from the moon pool which like I said I cant say for 100% should do a
magic blast which takes down evil spells like shield and armour. I use it in
room with evil and everyone evil in room cries out in pain and I noticed I was
shattering bns I fight more often after using it. It would be difficult however
to just go and ask them if they noticed there spells dropping though. And the
phial dipped in sunpool I think takes moves away from all evil mobs/players in
the room and gives them to you. I used and all evil cries out in pain I leave
and notice I have almost full moves after running down oer right smack into an
orc group. Well star pool phial is the only one I'm 100% about blesses everyone
in room for about a full mume day and takes about as long to recharge as a pbs.
(credits to p(Norglin))
  After that you can take sail back to the mortal land, and embed things into
your staff (if you did make it). Just go into proper shop (where you can buy/
sell embedding thing) and type, at example, "embed opal staff". It costs some
money btw. You can embed max 3 things, and all they must be different.


  After the last change hide became very powerful skill. If you have max
(superb) hide, and hid yourself in proper area - it can take 10-15 rounds of
search tho for solo enemy without awareness/search pracced. However, spamming
hugegroup or maxaware whitie thief with 3 pracs (40%+) in search will reveal
you pretty quick. Most important is find a good area to hide. Best is forest,
hills/mountains are good too. You can not hide while someone sees you (unless
you are grouped with him), but it does not mean that you can't hide with
someone in room! Sneak on - and you will have a good chance to hide under
someone's feets! :) You can not do any "active" acts while hidden - otherwise
you will be instantly revealed. Only things that you can do is: "score",
"stats", "inf", "look", "examine" without agrument, "scout", "autoexit",
"change", "compact", "nobeep", "practice", "prompt", "protect", "time",
"trophy" and "whois". Even checking your eq, "examine" with argument, telling
and narrating, checking map, and such non-active command as "who" will reveal
you (obviously bug, but anyway). If you have wounds, bleeding will not reveal
you, but all in the room will see message "Someone bleeds from open wounds."
Stealing will not reveal you too, but it's much easier to find you when you are
attempting to steal. If you lose link while hidden, reconnecting will not
reveal you.
  After the last hide change it became much more powerful: if you hide when
someone is tracking you, he will not get 'you found your victim' message when
entering your room, but instead 'tracks coming from the...'. So: run to some
open area, made circle and hide in the middle of it. It is called looptrack,
and will force clueless hunter run in endless circles (because your tracks will
have no end). Though, there is a way to handle this looptrack thingie (by
Jocke). If you find your victim is making a track loop, cancel your track, make
a "where *victim*" in that room. That will show you the direction he went. Go
there. Then make a new 'where'... etc. If he is in the room, it says comming
from... even if he made a track loop. Either that or simply use a new 'track
victim' in every room.

    Protection from thieves

  To protect yourself from playerstealers you must know how thieves do their
work. Thief with pracced 'steal' skill can see your inventory. The larger is
item - the harder to steal it. I.e. it's very easy to steal dagger, some harder
to steal piece of armour, and very hard to steal large container. Almost same
hard is stealing money. Completely impossible to steal money from moneybag and
items from container (even if it's not closed)/from equipment. Thief can steal
even if he is not sneaking (but it works better if sneaking though); success is
dependant on zone too (its easier to steal in forest than in city) and on ratio
thief level/victim level.

    Some advices for thieves

  If you feel that thieves are unplayable since last regen changes (as I do),
it is really good idea to prac max steal (105%+) and turn some of your chars
to real thieves - who will live inside cities only, have always tons of money,
and will help your friends if they will need money.
  Best place to steal is Grey Havens (as there are many shops, and citizenship
is free). To have maximal chance of success, turn sneak on, wait till no guards/
players will be in shop, enter and hide thorough right in shop! Worth shops to
steal are all 3 smiths (Kevlar/Faldor/Gildor), herbalist, tailor and - of
course! - Daegil on ferry. Last one have no strongbox to hide his money, and
after day without reboot he usually is REALLY rich. But don't try to steal from
jeweller - because he is lev99 mob, and no one is able to steal from him.
  As about pstealing... huh, it's your choose, but IMHO same-side pstealing is
very lame act, and will make you very infamous...
  Also small advice: when you are sneaking, your moves go down really fast, and
even more fast if you are tracking while sneaking! So ride until you will be
near your victim, and them dismount to stab. You can even not turn off your
sneak while riding, because it is impossible to sneak while riding anyway, so
movecost while riding/sneaking is same as while just riding.
  You can no more stab bashed person: MUME management became tired of bash dis/
/stabbing thieves and forbade it.


  Artifacts are very good and rare items. Main difference between artifacts and
other items is that only one person can own each type of artifact. I.e. great
warsword is very hard to get, but as it is not artifact - there can be any
amount of players who can own it at the same time. Otherwise, all glow weapons,
most legendary darkie weapons, black buckler and some more items are artifacts
and will not repop if someone already have them.
  All artifacts will decay in the hands of their owner after some random time
(rumors: 0-15 rl days), and will reappear in the load spot again (with very low
probability though). Notrack boots are almost artifact: there can be max 3
pairs of notracks in MUME; same goes for warmask.

    The power of the pipe

  The pipeweed found all over Shire can be used for something other than quick
money. First get a pipe (loads in smugglers hideout some e s of Waymeet, can
also be bought in Shire and Rivendell) and fill it with pipeweed (loads on
smugglers too, get key from smuggler boss; of course there are also a lot of
pipeweed fields as well). [If you are rich and lazy, you can buy all stuff
either in Shire or BM or Rivendell.] Hold pipe, rest and 'smoke pipe' (it is
very important to rest while smoking - otherwise it would not work). You will
get a message something like "You feel oddly charged", or "You feel focused".
This will give you an instant mana boost (6-30 mana is typical), but your
manaregen will be slower for like 20 secs rl. The only drawbacks are you have
to wait a like halfhour before you can use again, and that on rare occasions
you may lose all mana instead of gaining. One smoke=one pipeweed, and wooden
pipe holds max 99 pipeweed. Clay pipe can contain just 14 pipeweed, but it also
weights less.
  Pipe also can be used to smoke mauve... Well, not to gain some extra help in
fight, but to differ your rest a little ;) Try it yourself, and you get the

  Your alignment - literal indication:
You are totally corrupted by the Evilness of Morgoth! - Max evil
You are evil, you could be a decent follower of Sauron. - Very evil
You find a form of beauty in other's pains. - Evil
You are a balanced individual with little concern for good or evil. - Neutral
You are a well-meaning person, always glad to help your friends. - Good
You are firm believer in the values of Right and Wrong. - Very good
You must have been sent on Arda to free it from the sorrows that weigh upon it. - Max good
  Also, align level which you choose at character creation heavily depends on
it's race. For example, both corrupt elf and well-disposed orc will start at
'balanced individual' alignment.

  When someone is fighting several enemies at the same time, his parrying bonus
is splitting (dodging bonus is not though). This called "parrysplitting", and
it depends on target's level and total amount of levels hitting the target.
Though, during delayed actions you don't parrysplit. Includes casting, shooting,
bashing etc.

  If you want to type a long message (narrate/tell) in pk area, start search
thorough first - it is long enough to type and not being stabbed while typing.

  Bash door success depends on your OB. That is why experienced fighters have
two sets of armour: metal and leather (thin soft jerkin/sleeves/trousers/
boots, thin (not SOFT) gloves and soft cap). Metal eq decreases your OB, but
thin soft leather - increases. So before bashing doors put off your metal set
and wear leather one (make aliases for it: remove/wear all.metal/all.leather).

  Always have 1-2 gold coins in your wallet (not in the moneybag). You can lose
link, but renting in the open place is much expensive than in the inn. If you
have not enough money for "linklessrenting", you will lose ALL your equipment
(including money in moneybag).

  Never enter into town where you are not citizen with unsheathed weapon (you
can also simply "remove" it and keep in your inventory), never cast any spells
inside. If you did this, follow any guard that orders you to do it (one
exception - SEE BELOW) AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN. You will be put in jail for a
short time, but you will be alive. Unfortunately this rule applies to ALL
Shire area (from Mishel Delving zone to some rooms east from Brandywine

  You can enter Tharbad (via gates, or inside coach) with unsheathed weapon
and can cast inside even if you're not citizen. So don't buy citizenship (it
costs 100 gold for all good-aligned players under lev 15, and even more on
higher levels). But if you have attacked Tbad citizen by chance and guard
orders you to follow him, DON'T DO THAT! It is death trap - you will be
instantly slain in jail. Narrate for any player-citizen opens Tbad gates,
narrate about transfer, jump into sewers, but don't follow guards. By the way,
guards will forget abour your crime after 1 rl month or after your mobdeath.

  Different races have different race bonuses/maluses. Hobbits are best
sneakers on Arda, have even more bonuses in sneak when barefoot, are eff vs
poison and ineff vs troll. Elves are eff vs snow (can walk without losing extra
moves on any snow - even on Redhorn), sneak well too (but not as well as
hobbits), can ride without saddles, immune to diseases and are ineff vs poison.
Dwarves have +5 OB bonus when unmounted and with 1H axes and are eff vs stone.
Trolls are eff vs hobbits (do 33% more damage), are eff vs acid and cold,
naturally see invisible, and completely unaffected by poisons (but they can't
cast any spell and have sundeath, don't forget). Orcs are eff vs fire/poison,
ineff vs light, and ineff vs spell under sun. Both trolls and orcs can see in
darkness. Black Numenoreans are ineff vs lightning bolt spell. There is also
info about eff/ineff vs different terrains in "help terrain".

  There are some mobs in MUME who can track and will chase you (if they are
aggressive to you). Some advices will help you to get rid of them:
  1) run to nearby building with door and close self inside, but beware! some
clever mobs (usually humanoid) can open door and even close it behind them!
  2) go through water - it's impossible to track on water (but possible to
track on ice!)
  3) invis yourself (of course it will not work if mob can see invisible)
  4) run far away - usually mobs stop tracking when victim is farther than
certain distance from them. Distance is different for different mobs - from
few rooms for hill giant to whole zones for patrols in Moria.

  Roots can trap you and prevent you from leaving room, even if you are riding.
If you are low level (<10) and can't just kill them, there are some tricks that
will help you survive:
  1) warrior: "bash disengage" roots and quickly leave room. But roots will
remember you in such case, and will instantly and without any message trap you
again if you will return in their room! However, this feature was changed
somehow not so much time ago, so watch out!
  2) caster: nuke them ('burning hangs' works very well vs roots - as they are
wooden), flee, roots will drag you back - and invis yourself before roots will
hit you: they don't see invisible. Rest for mana and repeat until they dead.
  3) thief <8 level: narrate for help - no way to defeat them; on higher level
try shoot/flee - if you have quick bow (shortbow for example).
  Indeed, roots have no eyes, so nuke and return - and it will not remember or
attack you again.
  Luckily there are few rooms with roots in MUME: in a secret place in BM area;
in the Old Forest; above north-western exit from Troll Warrens; in new zones:
Vale, BM warmask zone, Dunland. And the last advice: don't attack roots in Old
Forest while trees are alive - otherwise all trees will attack you and you will
die pretty quick.
  One more way to escape takes very nice link and good reaction. Flee from
roots and during the milliseconds while you already fled but still not dragged
back, move away from roots - they can't drag you back from 2 rooms away.

  In you are lost in the Old Forest or in hills near it - "tell bombadil help",
and Tom Bombadil will come and lead you out. Don't use "tell tom help" - it
doesn't always works well ;)

  Rumored that wolfskin wristband increases change to save dt. Why so? Tanner
who makes it has the interesting message which makes people believe that it
increases dt save. He says "It may oneday save your life."

  Some mobs on Arda placed behind closed (thugs near GH, at example) or even
locked doors. Before entering similar rooms always make aliases for open/pick/
bash <doorname> (but don't forget - you can't pick or bash while fighting!) -
otherwise repop can catch you inside, fresh mobs will arrive, door(s) will auto
close/lock, and you will have good chance to eat mobdeath. Other good method of
whacking mobs behind doors is doing it just after repop of this zone.

  Rumored that no matter what spell speed you on when you cast stored spell -
it will be same speed anyway. So if you are gonna cast any stored spell might
as well make it normal for less mana and more damage.

  Some closed/locked doors on Arda can't be picked/bashed/breaked with magic.
That doesn't meant that you can not get inside at all. Some on them just need
special key which loads on some mob, usually not far from door. Some doors can
be opened only with keys given by Ainur - doors of most secured legend homes
such White Tower near Harlond and PurpleDoor in Hobbiton (Gangee house). Others
need special mob to open it. At example, all city gates can be opened by
gateguards (if one with key wasn't killed), just "say open" from inside or
"call" from outside. Same goes for legendhomes with doorwardens (in you are
friend of house owner). Secret door in NOC area that leads to Mithnaur the
Dragon can be opened by Eoghha if you give him 20 gold.

  About fleeing. If you flee with swim/climb turned off, you will never pass
exit where swim/climb needed. Examples: if you are in water, fighting near
beach, swim off and flee - and either you will die or flee outta water; if you
are fighting in the Necro area on Ledge, climb off and flee - and you will
never flee down. However, nothing will save trolls from fleeing into sun except
mood berserk.

  Mobs are not affected by his eq. I.e. bn sage hits with dented plain dagger
same hard as with brand new black runed dagger, etc...

  Rule by Tairach: if anyone has hit-delay (also mobs) their defence is reduced
=> warrior can solo hard mobs with just retaliating first hit and fleeing.
    Bulky troll tries to hit u...
    You slash troll extremely hard.
While "hit troll" would probably result in opposite effect (troll parrying
and you getting ass kicked).

  Rumored that time of pale blue stone full-recharge is 2 MUME days (48 mins rl)

  There are 7 Oak Trees on Arda (which load oak branches) - 2 near NOC, 1 in the
circle of stones in NOC area, 2 in Eregion (Khuzur/Tall Orc), 1 in Dunland
(near foresters) and 1 in Central Anduin (6n 3e of Ice Shard entrance( in a room
called A Lonely Oak Tree) But at the one time can be popped only 2 of them. Branches
decay in few hours rl after you get them from tree, so watch out for time.

  Spirit-type undeads are ineff vs wood - so it's much better to pierce/backstab
them using starp thorn (to get it butcher some bush mob located in brushes on
road to Rivendell). If it is maxenchanted, even Wight Captain will die in 2
stabs from legend thief.

  Best thief guilds are in the city of Tharbad, but it is evil city, and it's
guards don't protect whitie players from Black Numenoreans. GH/Bree/Fornost/
Rivendell guilds are very poor. But there is one more thief guild in Arda: in
the hidden place in Old Fornost. On middle levels it would be very good to prac
here. To enter it you need to go to the Olly Tavern in Fornost, and give him
2*(your level) silver (celeb) coins - he will tell you password for Black
Dagger Guild. Then from w gates of Fnost go n 4w open hiddenrock d, call - and
say password after guildmaster's request. You can also get cleric with "break
door" spell to get in (dunno if this door is bashable or not).

  If you got huge loot from opposite side players/such rich mobs as Balrog,
there are two good and fast ways of splitting eq:
1) Some slower, but no special item needed - just type command. All "flip coin".
All who got tails leave. If more than one person got heads - flip again. If no
one got heads after last round - these who flipped on last round flip again.
Repeat until only one person left with heads - he wins item. Repeat for all
items - will be slow if there are much items/players pretending.
2) Best way, but needs die (you can buy it in Tharbad thieves shop). One with
die must hold and "throw" it twice for each pretender. 2 digits will give to
each number from 11 to 66. If two players gets same number - they flip coin.
Then one who gets largest number gets item that he wants, then chooses player
with second large number, and so on. If there are more items than players -
make enough rounds :)

  Usually if someone dies in dt, there is one way to get his eq - log in
immortal and fly in dt ;) But this doesn't applies to Canyon dt (4 rooms some e
from Warrens): if someone died here, you can retrieve his eq just by going s 2e
n d n d 2w d w - there drops all corpses of all died players!

  Dark Tower, Last Bridge Fortress, watch tower on ABR, new tower in Vale and
Rohir tower in southern Dunland can be popped darkie or whitie. There are rules
of this repop:
1) By default (after MUME reboot) all towers but Rohir pop darkie
2) If there is at least one alive darkie mob (even shadow) left - it pops
darkie (same goes for whitie mobs - whitie repop)
3) If there are no mobs left and there are players of both sides inside - it
pops same as previous time
4) If there are no mobs left and no darkie (whitie) players inside, but at
least one whitie (darkie) in - it pops whitie (darkie)
5) If there are no mobs left and no players inside - it doesn't repop

  Reimbursement rule by Ainagul.
  If you died due to bug (in your opinion), and want reimburse:
1) report the death in a bug-manner using appropriate language
2) start reequiping
3) try to find the Vala that takes pride in that certain zone the accident
happened in (most probably the builder)
4) offer help in explaining the bug etc
5) dont ask for reimburse... it will be offered :)

  Rumours about weapon damage formula.
  Each race have some base_damage which adds with weapon damage, and it is not
dependant on str directly (i.e. two warriors with same ob, same weapon and
different str inflict same damage to third char). Then adds eff/ineff vs victim
race/armour, and after that to damage adds some ob modifier (dunno how it
calculated, but victim's defence affects it for sure). At last subtracts armour
absorbtion (%) - not more than "Up To" hps, and resulting value is less than 1
- you get message 'fails to hit'.

  If you want to use scroll - "recite" it; if you want to use fragile parchment
- wear it instead of shield or insteand of weapon, recite and KEEP it in hand.

  If you suffer from evil wound inflicted by Morgul blade - as quickly as you
can run to Elrond, he will heal you. But he can not cure more than one person
in like 20-30 mins... And also, if you approach Elrond on low hps - he can give
you infusion which will restore you to full hps.

  To use the palantir, drop it on the ground and type: 'l palantir <dir>', 'l
creature <name>'. Most use of it is seek for darkies ;) though you must know
names of these who are online atm. Don't use palantir too much (like more than
10 attempts), or you can get 'bane of Sauron' (-5 wil temporary), or even die!

  You can not wear iron ring while wearing metal armour; though it's finechain/
whitechain compatible.

  You can't flee into instant dt (i.e. room with flag DEATH), though you can
flee into room which inflicts huge damage (like in Unqa zone), or into room
where mudlle instakills you seconds later (so-called timed dts).

  Balrog's whip allows wielder to entangle ppl, which works like an instant
short bash (very short though). You can spam "entangle <enemy>" tho and it
works well especially on low defence enemies. Just one drawback is that if you
use it on bashed person, it will cancel his bashed status. Balrog also uses
whip to throw ppl out of room, but I don't know if there is appropriate command
players can use for that.

  About huge shovel. It can only be used by trolls, loads on Khuzur. It can dig
50 rooms, never dig up and only dig down once - to start the tunnel. Each dig
takes approx 15 mps and tunnel will decay if nobody is in the tunnel at the
next tick. Anyone voided in the tunnels when they collapse is treated as if
they entered a dt.

  Treasure map which loads at Golden cave leads to Old Man Willow, though
treasure (crystal/sword) isn't that easy to get ;)

  Banded rings are cursed with special curse (remove curse spell doesn't help).
When you wear it, you can't remove it for some time (can be from some minutes
to several hours). While ring 'affects' you, it can produce false visions of
three types: '*a Man* begins strange incantations', scry and portal, and also
prevents you from sleeping. After 'black aura fades for a while' message you
can sleep or remove ring again. Though, if you don't remove it, black aura will
return later. Main question is: what amount of time you can live without aura
is depends to? I'm pretty sure - my legends who pk in darkie zones wearing
banded usually always affected by dark aura, while newbie exping in good zones
usually can sleep with banded on finger 90% of the time...

  Any darkie who drags puke-corpse to orkish loremaster gets crude orkish horn
(this is VERY rare, may crumle right when you get it). You may have many horns
at same time (using them increases ob/casts fear). To use: 'blow horn'.

  Since the change with random delayed moods (change mood wimpy, change mood
aggresive, etc) some thief skills are acting weird. This happens because
backstab always sets you aggressive and escape sets you wimpy for their
duration. Before after backstab was over, you went back to preset mood, now it
can take a while, forcing you to fight at aggressive for some time. This can
get you killed if you are not careful. Escape does the same thing but doesn't
affect it as much.
  At this moment 38 players of MUME have access to the secured part of this
page (not counting my rl friends and members of the Management). Most probably
nobody gains it anymore - just because I don't have neither time nor patience
to collect and verify any new information. Still, if you want to have access
and think that you have really valuable additions to my page (not just some
spellchecks or fixes due to new opened zones and/or changed old ones), like
 - where else loads ginseng except these 7 rooms I've metioned in Herbs file
 - how to fix the Narsil (exact info, not rumours)
  send MUMEmail to my immo, or email to and be patient... Consider
your information twice before sending it - remember, hundreds asked me for
password but just 38 players got it (and most of them - because they are cool
guys and girls, expirienced players and knew alot about MUME already)...