Maxenchant for staves is + 5 PB, 1 damage, Saving Spell -10.

All staves have delay 150%.

Object           Weight Value  OB  PB Dmg Other
Oak branch          750   250
Carved oak staff    500  5000   5  10   7 Nosell, Eff vs Spell
Carved oak staff    500  5000   5  15   9 Glow, Magic, Bless, Anti-evil, Anti-neutral,
                                          (Focused),Nosell, Focus, Eff vs spell, Saving Spell -10
Istari wand        1200  5000  20  30   9 Glow, Magic, Bless, Anti-evil, Anti-neutral,Nosell, Focus,
                                          Eff vs spell, Attack spell +20, Saving Spell -30
Rough staff         500  2000   5  10   7
    Embeding            Affects             Load spot                      Description when embedded
Iron bar             OB +5, PB +5   BM smith, Malardil's castle            its foot is shod with iron
Huge silver bracer   OB +5, PB +5   stone statues, some huge stone giants  silvery bands encircle it from top
                                                                           to bottom stone/hill giants (DT, NOC area)
Chunk of metal       OB +5, PB +5   Black Numenorean Sage (OOC),           an orb of black metal surrounds its tip
                                    north of Old Forest Road east of Ingrove
Lustrous opal      [major] Attack Spell +10 Most jewellers, Amon (near BM) and other sites    lustrous fire          opal has been inlaid in it

Citrine            [minor] Significantly lowers the mana-cost of locating spells

Chunk of honey-coloured amber [major] Negates damage from single targetted spell and gives some mana while doing so.

Corberyl           [major] Attack Spell +10 Muranog (Moria), Scaly beast           a shining gemstone embedded near its top
                                                                           shimmers with many colours
Tiger's eye        [major] +mana-regen and  ringleader near GH,
                   +hp-regen        Sage's reward to darkies               a small gem, twinkling in shades 
                   (varies by race)                                        of gold, red, and brown
                   E, HE: +1, +2                                           is embedded near the staff's tip
                   M, D: +2, +1
                   H: +3, +0

Polished white quartzite  [minor] instant bless affects all grouped, mana free

Rubellite          [major] +11 max mana

Small, green stone (beryl) [minor] Creates food/water in the room and gives tiny boost to regen.

Star sapphire      [minor] Saving Spell -20 Ghostly Captain                        a six-rayed star shines from the middle
                                                                           of a blue stone set in the staff
Onyx               [minor] using the staff on target drains 30 mana for 10 mana, Cooldown 1min+?   a black, glossy gemstone with streaks of grey and white has been embedded in it

Polished agate     [major] DB +4 OB +3 (agg)

Pitch black spinel [minor] Group shroud
After embedding description of staff changes: carved -> reinforced (if more metal than gems) or bejewelled
(otherwise), rough -> metal-shod/inlaid with gems. Also a note: can't embed any gems until you enchant
the staff; focused staff can hold 2 major gems, non-focused 1; embedded metal doesn't increase OB unless you wield staff two-handed.