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Big Map Changes


If you want the .mnf map to edit it yourself, please email me There are currently two mapping programs available, one by Waba/Moonshade for Linux/Gtk and one by Porien for Dos/Windows which supports the new file format.

Please post any errors, missing secrets or update requests here or email them to

The direct Link to the map is gone for the moment :P …

Question: Isn't Porien's mapper the same as Azazello's? If so, I thought the map was stored in a .xml file instead of a .mnf. If it's a different one, do you have the names? I'm interested in possibly finishing the Fanghorn map and updating the current map but need a mapper that would work with the .mnf file. If anyone knows which mapping clients support that, let me know and I will work on rounding out the map. /Iluvator

Mapper is a very twisted word. Wojtek was refering to old programs created for editing maps. It started back in 98 or 99 when Gray wrote his version of 640×480 DOS bmp editor. The problem was, it was a simple graphical editor with a given set of tools, so if you changed anything, you could not undo the change properly - it's an image. A bit later, as i recall, Morfizm wrote a bit different program. It still had the same 640×480 limitation, but it was a real editor. And finally a few years later ostu and i wrote two different programs. Mine was for Dos, Ostu's was for Linux (glade/gtk1 as i recall). Ostu used all the pretty stuff of the GTK GUI and i wrote my own silly DOS gui :) Both editors used the same .nmf format for storing their data and were more or less compatible. A few years later Waba picked up the development of Ostu's editor and added a few more flags and such.

So, right now Waba's version must be the only one really working and most updated one. /Aza

Actually I recall Gray updating his DOS version to support my improvements when we were working on LR. It's available online somewhere, but I can't remember the URL. Probably on his most recent site. -waba.

This is the map editor from Gray's most recent (that I know about :P) site.

Latest Updates

05th, Jan 2006             Starting to map fangorn, had to move lorien 3 up :P! , fixing some errors ....
11th, Nov 2004             Fixed some Rohan secrets
9th , Nov 2004             Finished 95% of Rohan
8th , Nov 2004             Added most of new Rohan Zones, changed Hobbiton Area,
                           Repaired some legends homes /Wojtek
6th , Nov 2004             Started Mapping Rohan


At GC, Shatteredbranches/outside is not dark.
Something else I noticed, exit "alveolus" on RTT south of bree has been changed
to "hivewall" -Scad
On the big map, two changes i noticed, first CC in moria is NOT nomob,
just patrols wont go there... some other mobs will tho. Second, Canyon
Floor near warrens is not dark anymore...-Scad
Couple of extra hidden exits in Lorien.
 - 4w 3n of the beehive exit is another exit down "twistedroot"
 - dulledrocks, slickwall and rottenleaves exit names could be added to the group of
 5 rooms right next to where it says Taurion on the map.
- Talldoors/Walldoors leading to the Herbalist could be added. 3s, 3w, n, e, and the
 exit is to the north. Directions start at stickyleaves.
One DT in Unqa zone not marked as DT (its the room s all w from serpents).
- Elestir
Area missing which connects devestation room to the bottom of mustering stairs.
- Aiddar
Your missing the hobbit sized rooms, 1 I can verify you can enter, the other I've
never tried.  In bench off greenway, w of the ancient fungus hobbits can go 1w, and
there is another room north of that but not even hobbits fit in that.  The other
is sw of dwaling, although I don't think I've ever tried it...  I should, but I
dislike playing hobbits....
- Ilverin
I'm not sure if this is something that's changed since you mapped it, but I
believe there is no longer an exit 'pillars' north in the room down from the
tombstone on ABR (silvery crown quest place). The chest now loads in the room
down from tombstone, and the skeleton in the chest.
- Belamir
Exit "Hatch" east of warrens below the haunt is now "trapdoor".
- Scad

New Mapping of Rohan

Add secret exit "intaglio" to the demented dunlendings area, its north from the only
room between stoneslab and trapdoor that doesn't have a red X in it.
The red mob cross that is in the room ssww from isengard gates should be moved 1w I think
, thats where the rattlesnake loads if thats what the cross is for.
All up from e4 is a watch tower (not sure where you are going to find room for this on the map though!
ssusw from stones at cavebear, exit west "shrubs" to cave lion.

Herbs to add:

south of "cavewall" leading to bird man loads Juniper

New Mapping of Fangorn

The door that is on the map 3s of graniteslab needs to be marked as "trees"
Hidden exit stranglingbirch needs to be added 2s, 7w, 1s of Beechbone (1n 2w of the exit you have to hold open)
All e, all s, 1e, 4s, 1e, from mosswall (named mossywall on the map but that is incorrect) 
is a hidden to the east, Bole from outside, trunk from the inside.
On river in Fangorn in room Curving around a Cliff is hidden exit e crevice, with 3 rooms behind it.
From hanginbranches n 3w n is hidden exit n oldbark, trapped wraith loads behind it.


  • Missing the area linking the devastation area to the mustering stairs, in Moria.
Exit nw of tbad, e of witheredbranch, direction s (loads pack leader and mother and cubs),
cant remember the exit name cos i cant log on, but i think it was something like tangledshrub
or so :) /Ert :: Exit s is roottangle /Aleks
There is exit called Stonewall (direction north) in *click* room in moria / Ert 
Gap/Slab underwater area s of tbad needs mapped. - Thegin
Dirs to wight-warriors between Lord, and Willow zones.  Exact dirs, and put on map.  - Kenzu
hmm malardil area is wrong on the big map?? thankx skyler

Following by Ilverin (at work, bored, by memory)

* BM Area, w3se3sw of scree, theres some mudlle that leads to another 4 rooms, won't say what loads here, and won't say how to trigger the mudlle. :P Not until someone else starts posting some damn Fangorn quest news. :P

* Other Lord Dirs (generally faster)

2 to 1: 10w or w,n,e,s
1w of 3 to 6: n,e,n,e,s or was it nens?
fissures to 2: s,e,n,w,2s,e,s,2e,u,w,2s
fissures to 1: s,e,n,w,2s,e,s,2e,u,w,s,e,n,w,s
tom's gate to fissures: 2w,5n,e,n,4e,n
and another note:  Rooms INSIDE wightlord area but not noble rooms are not randoms.  
They are set exits that I mapped at one point, but its to confusing with all the arrows.
**!! Check out the Wojtek Lord Map, there is all mapped correctly..**

* Greenholme: Missing a number of rooms just 1s of junction.

* Shire: Pipeweed load spots not marked: Hobbit Smugglers All e MD w,3n,e,n of MD 3s,e crossroads weed farm with the 2x'w' don't check often but I think also a room north of hobbiton (house on bookshelf)

* Rushey, exit w (desk) at inn

* Missing Lever in Minas Brethil (yes, its LH, but heavy PK)

* Does the crevice still exist se fnost near turf? Exit desc is gone it seems.

* Golden Cave: farthest southern room is not a water room.

* Bree: Small Square (n of Bree Park) has a fountain… “w”

* Jasper's Tavern seems to be missing…

* LWW smugglers needs exit e (slabdoor? secret? something there)… (nw malardil)

* Missing hut 1w of hunter 2n of spiders MA Area.

* Missing exit in Malardil “Doubledoors” (non-secret) 1d Malardil (e) (door is not marked)

* Sewers water rooms don't look right… Not sure, I'd need to check, but pretty sure its not rectangular..

* Tbad area timed DTs marked with '!' while shire timed DT marked with skull and xbones.

* Missing rooms UNDER the Great Causeway near Amanrandil (Road of the Smiths) 3-5 rooms, 1 has 100+ dam fall

* Dunlending Farm NE broghha isn't mapped properly.

* Orc Mines in Rohan/Fangorn missing

* North of Yerik is mapped wrong, theres a room 1n of yerik, room with water is w,n of that, room also has an exit n (climb exit, mudlled no-climb???)

* Fangorn, 2n,w of the ! is also a fall exit, 100 or so hps + underwater room.

* Fangorn, the 2u tree is weight sensitive, high damage fall.

* Fangorn/Lorien, your overlapping rooms with boulder…

* Berel/Woodsman's village incomplete

* Lorien, missing 2d for Anarwen quest (2 rooms s of ne corner of Lorien)

* Lorien: Room s2w of dulledrocks is callable, and same for s, 3w of mud.

* Lorien/Moria Area: Missing arrow to exit u, e2nallw of threshold of moria. (bracelet shade)

* Most cities with LHs added are outdated.

* Circle tree load isn't shown.

That should keep you busy for a bit. :P

bigmapchanges.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/10 16:22 by alexanderjensen