One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Weight of shields is converted with in-game converter from pounds to grams and rounded up to the next 10.
Shield Weight Value PB Other a tower shield 17700 274650 35 enchanted a defiled dwarven shield 9080 1000000 31 enchanted, anti-good, anti-neutral, eff vs light an ancient dwarven shield 9080 1000000 31 enchanted, anti-evil, spellsave -10 a smelly piece of worm hide 9080 1000000 31 enchanted, spellsave -10 a bejewelled shield 9080 221000 30 enchanted, spellsave -10 a large metal wall shield 14970 52000 30 a sun-emblazoned shield 13160 16000 27 a metal wall shield 13160 16000 27 a leaf-embossed shield 4510 200000 25 enchanted a gilded round shield 7720 27300 25 a large wooden wall shield 12250 8500 25 a Zaugurz shield 13160 13000 25 a shield of Arthedain 7260 23010 24 a wooden wall shield 11340 5400 23 a shield of Cardolan 7260 14040 22 a dark shield 9530 4600 21 enchanted, anti-good a large metal full shield 9530 3550 20 a reinforced oaken shield 5820 9500 20 a full metal shield 8620 2700 18 a blackened shield 7260 2100 16 evil, anti-good, anti-neutral a large wooden full shield 7260 2100 16 a round shield of the Mark 6240 2800 15 a black metal shield 6810 1850 15 evil, anti-good, anti-neutral an Isengard shield 6810 2250 15 a full wooden shield 6810 1700 14 a large metal shield 5650 1600 13 a spiked shield 5110 1450 12 a red-skull shield 4710 1400 11 a metal shield 4510 1300 11 a large wooden shield 4000 1000 10 a small metal shield 3490 950 9 a wooden shield 3010 800 8 a small wooden shield 2500 600 6 the black buckler 2500 12000 15 magic, enchanted, blessed, +5 Db, spellsave -10. Artefact a metal buckler 3490 1200 7 a wooden target shield 2240 700 5 a small metal target shield 2020 600 4 a spiked horsehide buckler 4000 20000 3 +3 Ob a small wooden target shield 1760 400 3