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Unresolved Stuff

Put all your questions here!

What's up with Skinbark the Ent, some west of Yerik? Can you do anything with him? Part of a quest?

Along the Mountain Wall
A high and strong tree, scarred by axes, stands here.
A clear spring babbles as cool water trickles out of the ground.
Exits: north.

*< cW HP:Fine>exa skinbark
Reaching higher than any nearby tree, this massively strong tree stands proudly
upon this spot. Its thick and sturdy trunk is adorned with a textured bark
thick and gnarled evidence of its remarkable age. Several sap-sealed scars have
been cut into its trunk, but none deep enough to penetrate the ancient bark.

What are

  1. a bracelet with cerise gems
  2. a bracelet with deep green gems
  3. a bracelet with fiery red gems
  4. a bracelet with rainbow-coloured gems
  5. a ring with a cerise gem
  6. a ring with a chatoyant gem
  7. a ring with a deep green gem
  8. a ring with a rainbow-coloured gem

How do you obtain an an archer's wrist guard?

Loads in the chest in the room south of Throulhuk (the leader of the orkish camp in the southwest corner of one of the DG-adjacent zones).

What changed at ancient dwarven home near GH after news 2573?

Lord/Unqalome mana drain

If you are aggressive as a caster doing lord/unqa then it drains less mana from you? Something I've heard many times, does anyone know?:)

Nolocate charmies

Is there any way to make charmies wear something to make them nolocate?


Does anyone know how awareness work with wilderness when it comes to movecost while slowtracking? From what I heard the more you have in one skill, the more it will affect the other. But does anyone know how much is “needed” for you to notice any difference?

Afaik, the percentages in these skills just get multiplied one with the other and result is used to determine the effect. So e.g. 50% × 50% = 25% is better than 60% × 40% = 24%. /Elestir


What are the effects of wounds that are dirty or worse? Can we compile a list of wounds effects anywhere? Like the stats you generally lose giving a wounds location?

PER Changes as of 08.03.15

I would like to test how much PER now affects hit damage for pierce,missile,stabbing,cleaving,slashing weapons. New PER increases chances of hitting gaps(which ignore any armour) and hitting weaknesses (which ignore some armour).Since hitting gaps is only possible for pierce, missile,stabbing we should test that first. My hypothesis is that there is a formula.

  1. PER * constant + weapon skill % * constant = chance to hit gap
  2. PER * constant + weapon skill % * constant = chance to hit weakness

I would like to test how much PER influences damage. So my testing strategy: Since pierce formula is 1,67*DEX + 1*PER + 0,67 * STR

  1. Level up a lvl 5 human with PER 18 STR 15 DEX 18 and get a fixed amount of pierce skill % (~50%)
  2. Pierce somebody low level who has heal spell and fast HP regen wearing full metal and count the damage he received 50 times.
  3. Level up a lvl 5 human with PER 8 STR 15 DEX 18 and get a fixed amount of pierce skill % (~50%)
  4. Pierce somebody low level who has heal spell and fast HP regen wearing full metal and count the damage he received 50 times.

Then based on the results, go on from there. Maybe to test other weapon skills as well, maybe level even higher to make sure.

If someone has a better strategy to test it please edit this section!

Golden Mantle

  • When I wear an imposing, golden mantle as an Orc, I get one of several menacing messages:
    • You get a premonition of danger as the mantle settles on your shoulders.
    • The golden mantle chafes against your back.
    • The mantle shifts slightly behind you, the silvery clasp chafing uncomfortably against your neck.
    • You suddenly feel dizzy and nauseated.
  • Info confirms that the full +3 OB is present, and I did some testing that proves the full +5 move_regen is present as well. I still suspect there is SOME malus when wearing this item as an Orc, but I'm at a loss as to what.
  • Please add the details to the quests page once this is resolved. -Waba
  • Similar messages are present when wearing the scorched, grisly fur as a white-side character. So if there is a malus, it is likely present when wearing either item as the “wrong” side. -Belamir
  • I believe those are merely item echo messages, much like the “tremor” message on steel claymore. I believe so because I am not aware of any other item that has different regular stats (like ob or regen rates) based on race/alignment of its user. -Elestir
  • Fornost tailor says something that suggests evil-aligned players wearing the golden mantle will get less of a benefit. I don't recall the exact wording off the top of my head, but I'll copy/paste it the next time I make one there. -Belamir

Edda the Cook

A troll cook has been added to Warrens, just west of Grinder. Is this mob anything special?

Broghha's Small Silver Pendant

Does anyone know what Broghha's small silver pendant does?

Blackened Pendant

Anyone know what the blackened pendant does?

Tried turning in the pendant in Lorien and Rdell and none of the item destroying mobs were interested.

Stonegrate key

Where does the key for the stonegrate near liche load?

Boulder in Lorien's marshes

In “old Lorien” subterran lizards zone, there is a keyword called 'boulder'

  • you can 'pull boulder', then comes some lines about rushing water and voila, after that exa boulder gives that its broken apart lying in mud. Any more info on it? (its in the room you fall from above) P.S. i found it when was examining dir w.
I add some stuff I did - to get exact messages (/Ypsilon):

>exa w
A small hole can be seen in the cave wall.

>exam hole
A small boulder is blocking the hole extremely tightly.

>exa boulder
It seems to fit the hole perfectly, but you might be able to pull it loose if you have the 

>pull boulder
You jump back as a lot of water comes rushing right into your face, but it stops quickly and you 
see that the hole is bigger than it looked at first sight.

>pull boulder
The broken boulder lies in the mud.

>exa boulder
Broken in two pieces, the boulder lies in the mud.

>look w
A small hole can be seen in the cave wall.

>exam hole
You look at the rubble but see nothing of interest.

Tried to search as well couple of times, but didnt find anything (search maxed)

My theory is that this used to be where the skeleton with the medallion loaded, but the skeleton was changed to load on the ground and the mudlle with the boulder was left in. - Belamir

Silver Circlet

Does anyone know what a Silver Circlet does? Heres the desc:

Flawlessly crafted from almost pure silver, it is yet flexible to fit any 
size head. Some elvish inscriptions translate as 'the protector, the guardian', 
carved into the band. Its cursed and wont come off, and some people say its 
awesome. I remember back in the day alf had it alot. Btw, it loads on Elrond.
  • Also loads couple sw of Elven hunters on ABR, requires giving brolg's spear (standard) to Erestor to trigger quest. /Mark
  • I haven't done this in a while, so my memory might be rusty, but I believe silver crown loads sw of hunters on abr. Silver Circlet loads only on Elrond that I remember. Silver Crown is a pretty good head armour, but I don't remember stats exactly. It's also semi-artifact like notracks. /Iluvator
  • I dont think anyone ever had a silver circlet, silver crown is decent headwear for casters (100% absorb up to 5 damage +nolocate) I heard rumours it also absorbs spells as if they were hits, apparently it is not true though. /Alf.
  • I had a silver circlet at one point on one of my wars. It did not seem to be that great (lower abs then coif, etc) when I wore it. It also was not cursed, I was able to wear it and remove it normally. I died before I could get it IDed. /Iluvator

Grey arrows

Grey arrows seem to be back in the game, where and how do you get them?

  • Are they? I haven't heard about them in a while… -Waba.
  • Can someone write a summary of their 'old' information on grey arrows? I only vaguely knew about them last time they were in the game. They were hidden in some rooms in Vale area, I think? Why was the load spot change, or why were they taken out? Things like that. - Belamir
  • Were these not simply a rumour of a soon-to-be-released item and tied up with the loss of an Ainu for releasing information to the public? Were they ever actually available to mortals?
  • I remember these actually being in-game at one point. I think. Didn't p(Tutti) use them at one point? - Belamir

Missile Weapons and Enchantment

How do you calculate enchantable bows damage? ie orkish shortbow 1.4*8(stips) + 2(bow enchant) or 1.4 * (8+2). And what happens if you have chanted arrows also? Does the +2 damage to arrow get multiplied by the multiplier or added in the end.

Partially Resolved

Alignment in Valinor

Is there any way to lower your alignment to evil AFTER you have been led to the pier by Cirdan?

  • Just kill some other whities on the ship or at Valinor. - Elestir
  • I thought they changed it a couple years back so that you no longer lose alignment for same-side kills? So unless you get Sauron's Listed for those kills . . . -Belamir
  • Ok, another way: Cast energy drain on some1 good aligned who came there with you. - Elestir
  • Can't attack nor cast offensive spells on the ship or Valinor. You can make a character with base evil align, go on ship as soon as you reach sent to Arda and wait for align to drop at Valinor. - Staub

Crystal phials

Could someone write some info about what does each crystal phial focus do, sun/moon/star pool? I am fairly certain one of them casts bless on you, and another does some kind of black-breath against evil creatures, but I don't know which pools or any details.

* Star-phial is bless/room-bless (duration of bless is 9:30, not sure about room-bless). If used on single target, it recharges in 3:00. Sun-phial is curse/room-curse (relatively short duration, even shorter for room-curse and relatively long recharge times). Moon-phial has an unknown effect to me, but it seems to give evil aligned enemies in room special flag (- wrath of Elbereth or something like that). Affected target didn't notice any other effects though and the duration was very short. Rumor has it that moon-phial is some sort of dispel magic against evil targets. /Elestir

Palantir and Saruman

Is there any way to challenge Saruman by using the Palantir?

You try and focus on the subject.

The face of the palantír becomes blurred and a mist appears.

The mist parts as a view of the landscape is seen, quickly receeding as the
scene changes.

Suddenly the image in the palantír shifts without your commanding, and the cold
face of a white-robed sorcerer appears, eyes piercing your mind, learning your thoughts and weaknesses.

You continue struggling with the white sorcerer's willpower but you cannot break free.

Using your last efforts, you push your mind into breaking free of the white sorcerer's influence!
  • This seems to be a random message though, from before Saruman was even in the game (the message is still around). It is not something you can pull up purposefully. Trying 'look creature Saruman' when he has revealed himself to someone does nothing, and I can figure out nothing else. - Belamir

Backstab Damage Cap

There seems to be a damage 'cap' on backstab, so to speak. That is, some highlevel players have noticed that it no longer matters if they are pureclass or partly multi-classed; they still do the same damage on backstab (Nazgum, I think, noticed a cap around 360-range with brd, both when he was purethief and war-thief). Following this same logic, is there a spell-damage cap for mage spells? Cleric spells? Does a highlevel (70+? 80+?) mage, say, routinely do more damage with offensive spells as a pureclass, or does the damage 'cap' and be the same even if the mage learns out-of-class things like sanctuary and break door? I realize there may be a LOT of variables involved with this, but is there any information about this out there?

  • AFAIK the cap is around 260 or 270 hps, and not 360 for 8 damage piercers. /Elestir
  • Found this in an old log from Nazgum, on, dated from 2000:
### Here I would like to say Warrior level is very important for
thieves. For me (lvl 60 = [lvl 25+3.5=28.5]) I only need thief
skills at 93% (28.5*.93=26.5, which rounds to 27) to still have
a nice stab (A level 27 backstab was the cap before they removed
caps). This leaves me a lot of room to pump up warrior skills
to get rocking Endur(moves+hits) and OB(Warrior level). Obviously
you need high level to get this, but lower levels (32+) won't
suffer too much. ###
  • Anyone know how/if what he mentions about backstab capping at level 27 has to do with today's MUME? Or if there are any parallels in the spell system?
  • I would like to add that percentage is not everything. Someone can have less percent in a skill and yet have the skill more powerful at the same time. The power of the skill is also based on your guild level, which is based on the number of pracs you spent in given guild. It is silly that we can't see this level. - Elestir
  • I would assume that guild level is also affected by the level of the skills/spells you put practices into, i.e. 5 practices in break door would increase your cleric-guild-level more than 5 practices in cure light. I would also like to suggest that there is greater interaction between the various classes than we can see, as far as guild-levels are concerned. By this I mean that a mostly-pure-warrior with X practices in, say, cure light seems to backfire less than a mostly-pure-thief with X practices in the same spell (int/wis/current mana/level/etc all being approximately equal). I of course cannot provide more substantial proof of this than to say that it has seemed this way in my experiences. What I am suggesting by this is that 10 practices in guild Y may affect your guild-levels for guilds Q, X, and Z differently. - Belamir

Aged PER and Mage Spell Damage

Does 'visible' (i.e., including bonuses from age or stat training) perception increase damage from mage-class attack spells? For instance, if I have 13 visible perception, and use stat training to increase it to 15, will there be any corresponding increase in damage to my mage offensive spells?

  • Only base perception counts and you can even see it in your prac-list (the higher the PER, the faster and higher you can learn these spells). Afaik train improve/neglect doesn't affect this. - Elestir
  • I know that only base stats affect skill percentages. I do, however, know that 'visible' stats affect various things - for instance, higher visible intelligence, better absorbtion percentage from your armour spell. Higher visible willpower, better sanct cap. Higher visible willpower, better success rate for sleep spell. I'm wondering if there's a similar effect for mage-class offensive spells based on 'visible' perception. - Belamir
  • Regarding INT and armour? Yes. Regarding WIL: better sanc damage? Yes. Better success rate for sleep spell? I doubt. It's just too random to measure anyway. Same goes to block door, is it really WIL of the blocker or just the level of the spell which affects how much it can resist, etc. There is absolutely no reason why PER should increase damage on spells in first place, so I doubt PER has direct impact on it. It has however indirect impact via spell level, and that gives sense only because you actually need to hit ppl with your spells, so logically higher PER (good eyesight) should affect spell speed (i.e. higher the spell is learned, faster it is [to certain limit of course]). - Elestir
  • Suffice it to say that I believe base PER is the only PER that contributes to spell damage (and it does one way or another since it affects spell knowledge which does affect spell damage). Visible PER could affect LoS (and would make sense if that is the case), but I have no test knowledge for that. - Iluvator

Nocast Rooms

  • Where are all the no-cast rooms on Arda?
    • Inside the Coach
    • Jail rooms in every town
    • In the prison cells under hidden 'crack' just off Durin's Way, Moria(Room name???)
    • West and South of redeye exit room in Moria
    • Muranog's treasury ('steam room', behind archeddoor) in Moria
    • South of Eblees in Mirkwood
    • The glittering room at Rahku
    • Below the Dead Tree (1 roomer with mist 2n,d from Niuldor, doorname is roots)
    • “Rotting Roots and Deep Mists” near Luxzum
    • Inside shield N RD
    • Shire, north Greenholm junction, two spirits under an unhidden exit is no-cast and silent. Can't order there either.(Where exactly???)
  • The room 'Behind the Waterfall' or something like that, just off the North Bruinen a bit northeast of Rivendell (room with two exits: exit up, and non-hidden exit south) says in the room description that it is no-cast when there is lots of water there. Is this a nocast room? A season-based nocast room? -Belamir

No-order Rooms

  • Where are all the rooms on Arda where it's impossible to order charmies?
    • Inside Ghostly Captain's room
    • Many rooms inside ABR mine (south-west of Brolg)
    • Shire, north Greenholm junction, two spirits under an unhidden exit

Lorien citizenship

How do you gain citizenship in Lorien as non-elf?


  • Give enough evil items to Ecthelion, or Celeborn, and eventually Ecthelion will say “I will <blah blah> Celeborn about this” something like that. :) Then go to Celeborn and say citizen.
  • Did the citizen quest with Staub. Took 98 shields (black metal/red-skull/dark) and 7 swords (6 dark broadswords and 1 wightblade) to Ecthelion in approx. 1 week. /Nator
  • Just spent a fun 2 days helping Gordon get cit here. We went and quaked moria mobs and gave the blood-encrusted metals to ecthelion. You need about 7 full pack horses of the stuff and assorted black metal shield too. You get different amounts of XP from each item so I guess that the amount of XP relates to the evilness of the item. About 35k XP was required for a level 24 to get cit.
-Black many-tailed whip         7500xp + chance of miruvor
-Great black scimitar           7500xp + chance of miruvor
-Morgul blade                   7500xp + chance of miruvor
-Huge black mace                7500xp + chance of miruvor
-Huge flaming sword             7500xp + chance of miruvor
-Charred staff                  7500xp + chance of miruvor
-Crude orkish horn              6250xp + chance of miruvor
-Deep black orb                 5625xp + chance of miruvor
-Crown of bones                 5000xp + chance of miruvor
-Dark curved sword              4375xp + chance of miruvor
-Star charm                        ?xp + chance of miruvor
-Tarnished copper wristband        ?xp + chance of miruvor
-Ashen blade                    4375xp + chance of miruvor
-Black amulet                   4375xp + chance of miruvor
-Old length of iron chain	4250xp + chance of miruvor
-Smoky obsidian amulet          3750xp + chance of miruvor
-Defiled dwarven shield         3750xp + chance of miruvor
-Wightblade			3750xp + chance of miruvor
-Darkened orkish axe 		3750xp + chance of miruvor
-Twisted crown                  3375xp + chance of miruvor
-Black hooded cloak             3125xp + chance of miruvor
-Sacrificial knife 		2500xp + chance of miruvor
-Fell blade                     1875xp + chance of miruvor
-Flute of bone                  1875xp + chance of miruvor (works only for Erestor - probably a bug)
-Dark broadsword 		1250xp
-Mottled cloak 			1000xp (1250xp at Erestor)
-Blood-encrusted helm 		375xp
-Blood-encrusted breastplate 	375xp
-Blackened shield 		375xp
-Dark shield 			375xp
-Barbed fang  			375xp
-Long, wicked knife 		375xp
-Black metal shield 		250xp
-Spiked metal helmet 		250xp
-Red-skull shield 		250xp
-Black waraxe 			250xp
-Orkish shortbow 		250xp
-Nasty orkish fang 		250xp
  • OK now that you have read it, forget all the above. The XP you get per item seems to change depending on the level of the char that gives it to Ecthelion. Higher levels get more xp ranging from 375 xp for level 41 down to 180 for level 18.
  • Actually the xplist is correct and doesn't depend on level, i get the same amounts with L80 or L50 /Staub
  • I just got citizen in Lorien with the following items at level 34. The list above is correct, got the same amount of XP /Joacim
    • 4x Black Amulet
    • 2x Twisted Crown
    • 2x Iron Chain
    • 1x Dark-curved Sword
  • It seems that after a certain level, perhaps 26 or something I'm not sure, you get the same exp. But if you are lower than that level you do get less exp than what is listed above. It seem to be similar for the amount of exp you need, the most you need to give seems to be about 35k exp. /Aralos
  • Evidence collected over 20 different characters under level 26 leads me to conclude the following:
    • Confirmed that, up to L24, xp per item is level dependent as described above
    • Total amount needed for citizenship is race & level dependent
      • XP/Level ratio decreases as level increases
      • Confirmed for Dwarves at at least 150% of that required by Dunedain (p<0.01)
      • Isolated cases suggest it costs Rohirric men (and women) more than it does for Dunedain
      • Isolated cases suggest it costs less for Hobbits (in general) than it does for Dunedain

Exit Up from Archer GM in Lorien

There is a secret exit up from 1w of the max prac archer mob. Anyone know the exit name or how to open it?

  • Exit is currently hatch, possibly 2 keys or incomplete zone, one key loads Rohan. As of early 2006, can't enter it /Mark (see below Re: Wall of Twilight)
  • Second-hand info, originally given by a Va who stepped there: it's the right key, but the area is not finished yet. -Waba.

Wall of Twilight in Lorien

How do you open the wall at “Wall of Twilight” in Lorien?

  • Still don't know but I may know something related to it, going NW of wall, exa stone and it says Quel kaima tenna' san' (“Sleep Well, Until Later (Then)”) in Quenya.
  • Also, see Rohan page about key that 'partially' unlocks a door sw of wall.
  • I think the rest of the zone is unrelated, or at least won't yield anything useful (I digged a bit around and have 11 pages of zone keywords and discussion…) OTOH, if you look at the “artefact” there, you'll notice that it “shimmers with many colours”. IMHO, this calls for an “insert corberyl artefact”, except that it doesn't do anything. Yet another unfinished area? -Waba.

Black Arm Wrappings and Orcs

Do black arm wrappings help orcs protect vs poison? Never have been able to get a definitive answer on this so hopefully someone can help me out. Also, do the zaugurz orcs have any bonuses/maluses that tarks don't have (besides the obvious mana/spellcasting/skills/etc ones)?

  • Effs are not cumulative (stated by Fror). Only different effs can cumulate. E.g. eff vs metal and eff vs dwarf on hbm, but definitely not effs of same type. Defiled dwarven shield + black amulet doesn't give more protection from light than just an amulet. 2 necklaces don't give more protectiom from mental spells than just one, etc. /Elestir

Resolved Unresolved Stuff

Outcast Hunter near HC

  • Anyone know where the outcast hunter and his giant dog load near rivendell? I remember it having something to do with pushing boulders.
    • I typo reported the slimy diary because in its description it said it had several readable passages, yet there was no way to read it. Gothmog removed the bit in the description about the readable passages, and said that it may be changed again in the future. Make of that what you will. -Belamir
  • Anyone know what the slimy diary found at this outcast hunter is for?
    • From outside HC - go 2w s 4w n e 'open stoneblock east' e, is the hunter. -Belamir

Sword in Unqalómë

Can anyone elaborate on this sword in Unqalome area that's stuck in some block, or something?

  • It seems it is only a teaser. Blame Yants. - Elestir

Orcs and Necromancer

What item makes Necromancer friendly to Orcs? How is it used, and is this part of anything larger?

  • Baneberries. Afaik it's not part of anything larger. - Elestir

Poppy load BM

  • BM Area, w3se3sw of scree. Tie tree rope, throw rope stump until it catches. Poppy loads 1w. (Belamir)

Store points

Is there a better way to figure out how many store points a character has and how many points each spell costs?

  • Each spell costs as many store points, as is its level. (magic missile 1, shield 13, earthquake 8, spray 11 etc.)
  • 2 Ways to Determine Points:
    • Store 2 big spells (ie fireball (2×15=30 points) then add magic missiles till max reached at 1 point each
    • *OR*
    • Store X magic missiles and count them :P) / Ypsilon


Does anyone know what determines if MA is agg to you (besides key)? I just went in MA room, regened a little, then puke entered so i left and blocked exits.. when i came back into MA room it and guards like instaripped me.

  • If you hit MA, scarred man, doorwarden, experienced assassin or strong bodyguard all of these mobs become aggressive to you, until all of them (including MA) get killed. MA himself is semi-aggressive by default (may attack, but doesn't always do), unless you are invited in by the doorwardens (they invite you only if you carry the small silver key from Malardil in your inventory). So if you enter his room uninvited and he hits you, all becomes aggressive as well. /Elestir

Renting Boats in Lorien

If you have both a fine elven rope and a boat (skiff and grey boat work) and go to the riverbank in Lorien in one room you see a glow from a pillar, you can “tie boat rope” and “untie boat” here. What use this is I have no idea.

  • My theory on this is that you can enter lorien via river. haven't tried it yet though.
  • My theory on this is that you can “rent” boats here. /Elestir
  • Confirmed, you can 'rent' boats here, requires elven rope, and a boat, max 1 boat rented. /Mark
  • Boat seems to last through reboots and through renting

Brown scroll, Gladden Fields stuff

The brown scroll that loads on the Dunlending Captain some southeast of Ingrove ford is a map .. but to what?

  • This map looks vaguely like the general area of the captain (he'd be on the big X), but many parts are plain wrong, missing world features, etc. Maybe it is on purpose (whoever drawn the map wasn't supposed to know the area any better), go figure. Anyhow, I didn't see anything special in the “x” spots. I think the “Ž_`” may be mountain or hill rooms. -Waba.
  • Rereading the map with Elestir, it could be a zoomed-in view of the area with 1 room = 3×3 characters. Each lower x would then loosely match a building or other man-made construction. -Waba.


Created an Achievements page for this.

Quenaire's Book

Anyone know what this book is that Quenaire, in Rivendell, asks for?

It's the tome from Tethel's Quest

Ebon Wraith

Has anyone ever killed ebon wraith? (not made him teleport away) A breelegend claimed he actually managed to kill it once with a smobgroup (though i'm afraid he confused the killing part with wraith teleporting part)

  • I once tried to kill it with giving him rescue delay when he's about to teleport away (didn't work because our rescuer failed too many rescues) Anyone tried that strat? /Alf
  • 3/11/2006: Ebon wraith has been killed. We used the same strategy suggested here, mostly. We used two warriors, a blinder, and two nukers - blinded wraith, hit it to low wounded, then the warriors started: rescuing ebon/fleeing/re-entering/hitting ebon/rescuing ebon/etc. while the blinder shot and the nukers nuked. Took very many failed tries to finally get it - would probably have a better success rate with three warriors. -Belamir

Stoneslab in Ancient Settlement

How to open the stoneslab in the room Ancient Settlement in Dunland? And what is behind it.

  • Just need a lot of strength. I charmed a bunch of oxen in the zone and made them open it. Nothing of interest is behind it. A chest, a cabinet, no interesting items in either. You can also get in by going (from above stoneslab) s open hatch d open rubble n.


White Tower near Harlond

This tower is now open and a part of a quest.

DB Quest

Heard something about a DB quest in new Mirkwood. Anyone has information on this? -Nator

This quest is now described here.

unresolvedstuff.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/18 07:04 by priitkahn