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— Awareness plays a large roll in track now. The difference between 0 awareness at 60+ is very large. Even players with 70-80% Track can be useful with high awareness %

Kaspar: The difference is not in speed but only movecost while tracking(from Elestir and 'help awareness'). Lets test how much awareness affects movecost while tracking!)

Heigo provided me with enough data to make a reliable prediction how per and int affect the track skill. We collected samples from 36 builds with different int and per and checked the track percentages.

The earlier track formula was obviously wrong when you went to the extremes. I fed the data into mathcad and the results are below. The percentages can be off by 1% here and there but the overall table has proven to be correct. Note that this is not an exact formula but a very close approximation.

	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20	21	22	23	24	25
INT	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1	18	27	34	40	46	52	56	61	64	68	71	74	77	79	82	84	86	89	92	95	98	101	105	109	114
2	24	32	38	44	50	55	59	63	67	70	73	76	78	81	83	86	88	91	94	97	100	104	108	113	118
3	30	36	43	48	53	58	62	66	69	72	75	77	80	82	85	87	90	93	96	99	103	107	112	117	123
4	35	41	47	52	56	61	64	68	71	74	76	79	81	84	86	89	92	95	98	102	106	110	115	121	127
5	39	45	50	55	59	63	67	70	73	75	78	81	83	86	88	91	94	97	101	105	109	114	119	126	132
6	43	49	54	58	62	66	69	72	75	77	80	82	85	87	90	93	96	100	103	108	113	118	124	130	138
7	47	52	57	61	65	68	71	74	76	79	81	84	86	89	92	95	98	102	106	111	116	122	128	136	143
8	51	56	60	64	67	70	73	75	78	80	83	85	88	91	94	97	101	105	110	115	120	127	133	141	150
9	55	59	63	66	69	72	75	77	80	82	85	87	90	93	96	100	104	108	113	118	125	131	139	147	156
10	58	62	65	68	71	74	76	79	81	84	86	89	92	95	98	102	107	111	117	123	129	137	145	154	163
11	61	64	67	70	73	76	78	80	83	85	88	91	94	97	101	105	110	115	121	127	134	142	151	160	171
12	63	67	70	72	75	77	80	82	85	87	90	93	96	100	104	108	113	119	125	132	140	148	158	168	179
13	66	69	72	74	77	79	81	84	86	89	92	95	98	102	107	111	117	123	130	137	145	155	165	176	188
14	68	71	74	76	78	81	83	85	88	91	94	97	101	105	110	115	121	127	135	143	152	161	172	184	197
15	71	73	76	78	80	82	85	87	90	93	96	100	104	108	113	119	125	132	140	149	158	169	180	193	206
16	73	75	77	80	82	84	86	89	92	95	98	102	107	112	117	123	130	137	146	155	165	177	189	202	217
17	75	77	79	81	83	86	88	91	94	97	101	105	110	115	121	128	135	143	152	162	173	185	198	212	228
18	77	79	81	83	85	87	90	93	96	100	104	108	113	119	125	132	140	149	159	169	181	194	208	223	239
19	78	80	82	85	87	89	92	95	98	102	107	112	117	123	130	138	146	156	166	177	190	203	218	234	251
20	80	82	84	86	89	91	94	97	101	105	110	115	121	128	135	143	152	162	173	186	199	213	229	246	264
21	82	84	86	88	90	93	96	100	104	108	113	119	125	132	140	149	159	170	181	194	208	224	240	258	277
22	84	85	88	90	92	95	99	102	107	112	117	123	130	138	146	156	166	178	190	204	219	235	252	271	291
23	85	87	89	92	95	98	101	105	110	115	121	128	135	143	152	163	174	186	199	214	229	246	265	285	306
24	87	89	91	94	97	100	104	108	113	119	125	133	140	149	159	170	182	195	209	224	241	259	278	299	322
25	89	91	93	96	99	103	107	112	117	123	130	138	146	156	166	178	190	204	219	235	253	272	292	314	338

NOTE: Can be wrong by a point here and there but should mostly hold water.
Linear model Poly33:
    track = f(per,int) = p00 + p10*per + p01*int + p20*per^2 + p11*per*int + p02*int^2 + p30*per^3 + p21*per^2*int 
                    + p12*per*int^2 + p03*int^3
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
       p00 =       2.803  (-12.67, 18.28)
       p10 =       10.01  (7.536, 12.49)
       p01 =       7.021  (4.817, 9.224)
       p20 =     -0.4692  (-0.6464, -0.2921)
       p11 =     -0.6966  (-0.8237, -0.5694)
       p02 =     -0.2277  (-0.3582, -0.09712)
       p30 =    0.009648  (0.005319, 0.01398)
       p21 =     0.02234  (0.0198, 0.02488)
       p12 =     0.01469  (0.01087, 0.01852)
       p03 =    0.003257  (0.0005643, 0.005949)
Goodness of fit:
  SSE: 4.876
  R-square: 0.9995
  Adjusted R-square: 0.9994
  RMSE: 0.3292
mumetrack.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/08 12:54 by kasparmesta